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According to the CDC, the norovirus sickens about 21 million a year. Now, there is a major norovirus outbreak in the United States, with cases this season far surpassing those of recent years.


According to the CDC, the norovirus sickens about 21 million a year. Now, there is a major norovirus outbreak in the United States, with cases this season far surpassing those of recent years.


According to the CDC, the norovirus sickens about 21 million a year. Now, there is a major norovirus outbreak in the United States, with cases this season far surpassing those of recent years.


According to the CDC, the norovirus sickens about 21 million a year.
Now, there is a major norovirus outbreak in the United States, with cases this season far surpassing those of recent years. 
Experts attribute the rise to a return to pre-pandemic activities, as people re-engage in normal social interactions after years of COVID-19 restrictions.
Norovirus spreads easily through contact with infected individuals, surfaces, or contaminated food, such as unwashed produce and raw oysters. Want to protect yourself? Here's what to do.
- Wash your hands with soap and water for 20-30 seconds. 
- Wash all produce like fruits and vegetables before eating them.
- Wash all surfaces with soap and water before use.
- Don’t share eating utensils, chapstick, etc. with another person.
- Don't use hand sanitizer. It's not effective against norovirus.
- Don’t eat raw oysters.
- If you are sick, stay home.
- If you run a business, ensure sick employees stay home for the necessary time frame. Even once a person feels better, they can still spread norovirus to others for up to two weeks.


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