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The Beloved TMNT: The Last Ronin Graphic Novel Getting A New Covers Collection

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The Last Ronin has proven to be one of the most popular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stories of all time, and in case you’re looking for some extra material to go along with it, a new hardcover related to the dark TMNT story is now up for preorder. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin Lost Years – The Covers is a comprehensive collection of the front-page art for the prequel series, and it’s available to preorder for $30 ahead of its November 19 release.

The Last Ronin: Lost Years – The Covers


As mentioned above, this is a compilation of cover art that was created for The Lost Years mini-series, and it included the talents of TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman and artists Ben Bishop, SL Gallant, Gavin Smith, Mateus Santolouco, Michael Dooney, Steve Lavigne, Jim Lawson, and many more. In total, there are over 125 pieces to marvel at, so you’re getting a TMNT art gallery in a hardcover format.

TMNT Comic Anthology Preorders

The Last Ronin: Lost Years – The Covers isn’t the only new TMNT graphic novel releasing soon. Those who want to experience a selection of the Turtle’s entire four-decade comics run can preorder two big TMNT comics anthologies releasing November 12.

First up is the the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 40th Anniversary Comics Celebration. The deluxe edition anthology includes a selection of fan-favorite stories from throughout the TMNT comics run. You can preorder it for $18 (was $20) at Amazon.

The other anthology releasing that day is TMNT: Black, White, and Green, which collects the various standalone TMNT one-shots stories from throughout the years. Preorders are available for $22 at Amazon.

TMNT Compendiums

The TMNT comics compendiums are some of the best bang for your buck, as you’re getting massive collections of comic issues at their best prices yet. There are multiple compendiums available now, including several of which are available at big discounts from Amazon, alongside new volumes releasing later this year that are available for preorder.

Finally, the IDW TMNT series is highly recommended reading. Featuring a mix of veteran and new talent, there are 16 volumes of collected comics so far. What’s really nice about this series is that it’s a remix of TMNT history, making it a great read for longtime and new fans to the series. There are some fascinating shifts in familiar power dynamics, incredible worldbuilding, and fantastic storylines that help makes this run of comic books an essential part of the TMNT franchise.

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