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Dragon Ball Daima Reveals Preview Images for Episode 4

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Preview images for Dragon Ball Daima episode 4 have been revealed. The episode titled “Chatty” will be released later today. Toei Animation is handling the animation production for Dragon Ball Daima while Crunchyroll will be streaming the anime with English subtitles. Netflix will also begin streaming the series starting today. Check out the preview images below:

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Dragon Ball Daima episode 4 synopsis via the official English site:
Forced to make their way through the Third Demon World on foot, Goku and his companions stop by a lone drive-in on the way. There they encounter some strange souvenirs and a rather chatty and quirky Majin woman and her husband!

Dragon Ball Daima Staff and Cast

Both the original story and character designs for the Dragon Ball Daima anime were series creator Akira Toriyama’s last works before passing away earlier this year. Aya Komaki (One Piece episodes 892-961) is working as the series director for Dragon Ball Daima while Yoshitaka Yashima (Dragon Ball Super) is credited as a director. Zedd is composing the music.

Yuuko Kakihara is handling the series composition and script, whose works include the recent Urusei Yatsura remake and the upcoming anime series Blue Box airing this fall season. Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru is in charge of the animation character designs. Previous works of his as a character designer include Dragon Ball GTDigimon Adventure, and Dr. Slump. (Staff and cast will be updated week to week).

Masako Nozawa will be reprising her original role as Goku for the series. The rest of the currently announced cast for Dragon Ball Daima are:

  • Panzy – Fairouz Ai (Power from Chainsaw Man)
  • Degesu – Junya Enoki (Itadori from Jujutsu Kaisen)
  • Glorio – Kouki Uchiyama (Mereum – Hunter x Hunter 2011)
  • Gomah – Shoutaro Morikubo (Shikamaru – Naruto)
  • Dr. Arinsu – Youko Hikasa (Rias – High School DxD)
  • Supreme Kai (Mini) – Yumiko Kobayashi (Black☆Star – Soul Eater)

Dragon Ball Daima episode 4 will be released on Friday, November 1, 2024.

Source: Official WebsiteOfficial X

Eric Himmelheber

I am a Senior Writer for Anime Corner. I love baseball, football, hockey, and basketball. My favorite anime genre is sci-fi. So if you want to talk about anime, my articles, or sports, feel free to DM me on Twitter @erichimmelheber!

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