Her Boyfriend Can’t Wake Up On Time, And Now He’s Blaming His Girlfriend For Almost Losing His Job

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When you’re dating someone who struggles to get out of bed, things can get tricky—especially when their job is on the line.

In this case, a boyfriend’s inability to wake up for work (despite multiple alarms) turned into a full-blown blame game with his girlfriend.

Apparently, it’s her fault now that he’s on thin ice at work.

Check it out.

AITA for refusing to wake my boyfriend up in the morning, which made him almost lose his job?

So I (25f) have been with my boyfriend (25m) for almost a year, and during our entire relationship he has struggled with waking up in the morning because of his adhd.

He sleeps through all of his alarms, which usually means he is late for work. Sometimes it’s only 10-15 minutes, but it can also stretch to 1 hour.

His boss likes him and has given him plenty of chances, but yesterday he got his last warning that if he doesn’t show up on time he will lose his job.

Ya snooze, ya lose. Literally.

We have had a couple of discussions/arguments about this over the last year because he believes it’s my responsibility, as his girlfriend, to wake him up.

But I don’t.

Despite me waking up from his alarms and being able to shove him out of bed (if need be), I don’t think it’s my responsibility.

He is an adult, has known about his adhd since he was a child, and should by now have found some method that works.

Him making it my responsibility turns me into a caregiver, a mother, instead of a girlfriend.

True, true.

This doesn’t mean I refuse to help him whatsoever. I have done plenty of research to find alternative methods, but either it didn’t work or he refuses to do it.

And I do wake him when his alarms go off, but he decides to go back to sleep right after. Had he not done that, I would gladly wake him up every single day.

And I know this is only my perspective, and is most likely not true from his, but when he decides to just go back to sleep it makes it seem like he doesn’t want to try.

C’mon bro, pretend you care.

Not to mention the fact that he is especially grumpy/angry in the mornings and have, on several occasions, yelled at me for both waking him up and for not waking him up.

And I don’t want to help if he is just going to get mad (even though I know he doesn’t mean it).

But when his boss gave him his last warning yesterday, I felt so much guilt. Because had I just woken him up, and been persistent, he wouldn’t be in this situation.

So I am at an impasse. Is it my responsibility, am I in the wrong for not helping, or should he, as an adult, be able to do this by himself?

Because I kinda feel like the AH, but also not.

Is it really fair to expect your partner to be your personal wake-up service?

Reddit says heck no.

This person asks, what if he was single??

This person has the funniest way of saying “what about a friggin’ alarm clock?”

And this person says it’s absolutely not her responsibility.

What can we say…

Looks like this guy’s snooze button isn’t the only thing that’s broken.

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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