
Best Times To Post On Instagram In 2022 [Original Research]


When is the best time to post on Instagram?

According to new proprietary research on the best times to post on social media conducted mid-2022, the best times to post on Instagram have changed since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read on for a full report.

Executive Summary: Best Times To Post On Instagram In 2022

What is the best time to post on Instagram today?

  1. The top 5 best times to post on Instagram in 2022 (down to the exact minute) are 9:01 AM, 7:59 PM, 9:00 AM, 8:00 PM, and 7:59 AM.
  2. The top 5 best hours to post on Instagram are 9:00 AM, 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and 3:00 PM.
  3. The worst 5 hours to post on Instagram are 2:00 AM, 3:00 AM, 4:00 AM, 11:00 PM, and 5:00 AM.
  4. The top 3 best days to post to Instagram are Wednesdays, Fridays, and Tuesdays.
  5. The worst 3 days to post to Instagram are Sundays, Saturdays, and Thursdays.

The top 20 best times to post on Instagram in 2022 (down to the minute) are:

  1. 9:01 AM
  2. 7:59 PM
  3. 9:00 AM
  4. 8:00 PM
  5. 7:59 AM
  6. 8:01 PM
  7. 12:01 PM
  8. 8:00 AM
  9. 11:01 AM
  10. 11:58 AM
  11. 8:01 AM
  12. 10:00 AM
  13. 3:00 PM
  14. 9:10 AM
  15. 12:00 PM
  16. 6:02 PM
  17. 12:06 PM
  18. 12:52 PM
  19. 8:10 AM
  20. 10:08 AM

The best hours to post to Instagram are (best to worst):

  1. 9:00 AM
  2. 8:00 AM
  3. 10:00 AM
  4. 12:00 PM
  5. 3:00 PM
  6. 11:00 AM
  7. 7:00 PM
  8. 5:00 PM
  9. 2:00 PM
  10. 1:00 PM
  11. 8:00 PM
  12. 4:00 PM
  13. 6:00 PM
  14. 7:00 AM
  15. 1:00 AM
  16. 9:00 PM
  17. 10:00 PM
  18. 6:00 AM
  19. 12:00 AM
  20. 5:00 AM
  21. 11:00 PM
  22. 4:00 AM
  23. 3:00 AM
  24. 2:00 AM

The best days to post on Instagram are (best to worst):

  1. Wednesday
  2. Friday
  3. Tuesday
  4. Monday
  5. Thursday
  6. Saturday
  7. Sunday

Best Time To Post On Instagram On Sundays

The best times to post to Instagram on Sundays are (best to worst):

  1. 9:00 AM
  2. 8:00 AM
  3. 12:00 PM
  4. 3:00 PM
  5. 7:00 PM
  6. 11:00 AM
  7. 10:00 AM
  8. 2:00 PM
  9. 5:00 PM
  10. 8:00 PM
  11. 6:00 PM
  12. 1:00 PM
  13. 4:00 PM
  14. 7:00 AM
  15. 1:00 AM
  16. 9:00 PM
  17. 12:00 AM
  18. 10:00 PM
  19. 4:00 AM
  20. 5:00 AM
  21. 6:00 AM
  22. 11:00 PM
  23. 3:00 AM
  24. 2:00 AM

Best Time To Post On Instagram On Mondays

The best times to post on Instagram on Mondays are (best to worst):

  1. 9:00 AM
  2. 11:00 AM
  3. 3:00 PM
  4. 8:00 AM
  5. 12:00 PM
  6. 7:00 PM
  7. 10:00 AM
  8. 5:00 PM
  9. 2:00 PM
  10. 1:00 PM
  11. 7:00 AM
  12. 4:00 PM
  13. 8:00 PM
  14. 6:00 PM
  15. 1:00 AM
  16. 6:00 AM
  17. 9:00 PM
  18. 10:00 PM
  19. 12:00 AM
  20. 5:00 AM
  21. 11:00 PM
  22. 3:00 AM
  23. 4:00 AM
  24. 2:00 AM

Best Time To Post On Instagram On Tuesdays

The best times to post on Instagram on Tuesdays are (best to worst):

  1. 9:00 AM
  2. 10:00 AM
  3. 12:00 PM
  4. 11:00 AM
  5. 2:00 PM
  6. 3:00 PM
  7. 5:00 PM
  8. 8:00 AM
  9. 8:00 PM
  10. 7:00 PM
  11. 1:00 PM
  12. 4:00 PM
  13. 7:00 AM
  14. 6:00 PM
  15. 1:00 AM
  16. 9:00 PM
  17. 10:00 PM
  18. 4:00 AM
  19. 11:00 PM
  20. 12:00 AM
  21. 5:00 AM
  22. 6:00 AM
  23. 3:00 AM
  24. 2:00 AM

Best Time To Post On Instagram On Wednesdays

The best times to post on Instagram on Wednesdays are (best to worst):

  1. 8:00 AM
  2. 9:00 AM
  3. 12:00 PM
  4. 3:00 PM
  5. 10:00 AM
  6. 11:00 AM
  7. 5:00 PM
  8. 7:00 PM
  9. 4:00 PM
  10. 2:00 PM
  11. 6:00 PM
  12. 1:00 PM
  13. 7:00 AM
  14. 8:00 PM
  15. 1:00 AM
  16. 9:00 PM
  17. 10:00 PM
  18. 6:00 AM
  19. 12:00 AM
  20. 5:00 AM
  21. 11:00 PM
  22. 4:00 AM
  23. 2:00 AM
  24. 3:00 AM

Best Time To Post On Instagram On Thursdays

The best times to post on Instagram on Thursdays are (best to worst):

  1. 9:00 AM
  2. 10:00 AM
  3. 8:00 AM
  4. 3:00 PM
  5. 2:00 PM
  6. 12:00 PM
  7. 7:00 PM
  8. 11:00 AM
  9. 5:00 PM
  10. 1:00 PM
  11. 6:00 PM
  12. 4:00 PM
  13. 8:00 PM
  14. 1:00 AM
  15. 7:00 AM
  16. 9:00 PM
  17. 10:00 PM
  18. 12:00 AM
  19. 5:00 AM
  20. 4:00 AM
  21. 6:00 AM
  22. 11:00 PM
  23. 3:00 AM
  24. 2:00 AM

Best Time To Post On Instagram On Fridays

The best times to post on Instagram on Fridays are (best to worst):

  1. 9:00 AM
  2. 8:00 AM
  3. 12:00 PM
  4. 3:00 PM
  5. 10:00 AM
  6. 11:00 AM
  7. 5:00 PM
  8. 7:00 PM
  9. 2:00 PM
  10. 1:00 PM
  11. 8:00 PM
  12. 4:00 PM
  13. 6:00 PM
  14. 7:00 AM
  15. 1:00 AM
  16. 9:00 PM
  17. 6:00 AM
  18. 10:00 PM
  19. 12:00 AM
  20. 11:00 PM
  21. 5:00 AM
  22. 3:00 AM
  23. 4:00 AM
  24. 2:00 AM

Best Time To Post On Instagram On Saturdays

The best times to post on Instagram on Saturdays are (best to worst):

  1. 9:00 AM
  2. 8:00 AM
  3. 11:00 AM
  4. 3:00 PM
  5. 10:00 AM
  6. 12:00 PM
  7. 7:00 PM
  8. 8:00 PM
  9. 2:00 PM
  10. 5:00 PM
  11. 6:00 PM
  12. 1:00 PM
  13. 1:00 AM
  14. 4:00 PM
  15. 7:00 AM
  16. 9:00 PM
  17. 10:00 PM
  18. 12:00 AM
  19. 6:00 AM
  20. 11:00 PM
  21. 3:00 AM
  22. 5:00 AM
  23. 4:00 AM
  24. 2:00 AM

Best Time To Post On Instagram By Time Zone & Location

The organizations, accounts, and posts analyzed in this research span the globe. The data was cleaned to a neat 24-hour format regardless of time zone.

We suggest the best practice of using this data to post to Instagram at these times within your primary target audience’s time zone.

For example, the best time to post to Instagram on a Wednesday in California, USA, would be 8:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time.

Best Time To Post On Instagram By Industry

Here’s when you can expect the most Instagram activity in your industry.

  • B2C Businesses: The best time for businesses selling consumer products here looks to be before work, over lunch, and when people are relaxing at home late at night.
  • B2B Businesses: The times for B2B are similar, with most activity happening around lunch and after work.
  • Software Businesses: Not much change here either, though it seems like right before and right after lunch might be best. It’s possible those of us working in software spend lunches looking away from screens.
  • Healthcare Companies: Healthcare businesses appear to do best at off-peak hours in mid-morning and early afternoon.
  • Media Companies: Driving traffic from Instagram is tough, but it’s valuable for brand-building, even for media publishers. The best times are when people are just getting into work, taking their lunch break, or looking for an afternoon break.
  • Higher Education: When it comes to higher education, catching people after work appears to be most effective. It could be that people are responsive to the idea of advancing their education or making a career switch right when they’re leaving work (hopefully you don’t feel that way though).

Best Time To Post Instagram Reels

The data for this analysis covers the best times to post on Instagram. We believe these time frames—and posting when your audience is active on any social network—are the best times to post any kind of information, including Reels and feed videos.

Other businesses such as Later corroborate this best practice: “The same rules apply to Instagram Reels and feed videos. […] Publish all your content to tap into peak activity zones to give it the best chance of success.”

How To Know Your Best Times To Post On Instagram

1. Instagram Insights

In Insights in the Instagram mobile app, there is Followers analytics. You can use this to view the days and times when your followers are active on Instagram.

2. CoSchedule Content Calendar Social Media Engagement Analytics

Marketing Suite and Marketing Calendar by CoSchedule offer an Instagram Network Report. Here you will find information on your best day to post, best tie to post, best message type to post, and more.


Marketing Calendar is forever-free, so create your calendar today!

3. When Do Your Competitors & Industry Influencers Post On Instagram?

You may also opt to understand the best days to post by monitoring when niche influencers and competitors.  For example, take a look at this highly engaged post from Grammarly, posted on a Tuesday.


4. Instagram Engagement Tracking Spreadsheet

Alternatively, you may also opt to track your best times to post on Instagram with a spreadsheet.

The simplest way to do this would be to:

  1. Choose the three best times to post on each day of the week (Sunday: 9:00 AM, 8:00 AM, 12:00 PM; Monday: 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM; Tuesday: 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM, Wednesday: 8:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM; Thursday: 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 8:00 AM, Friday: 9:00 AM, 8:00 AM, 12:00 PM; and Saturday: 9:00 AM, 8:00 AM, 11:00 AM).
  2. Post to Instagram at the best times you’ve selected.
  3. Track every post’s likes in your spreadsheet.

Best Time To Post On Instagram FAQs

What Is The Best Time To Post On Instagram On New Year’s Eve?

Because New Year’s Eve falls on a Saturday in 2022, the best time to post to Instagram on New Year’s Eve is 9:00 AM.

In 2023, New Year’s Eve falls on a Sunday, so the best time to post on Instagram on New Year’s Eve 2023 is also 9:00 AM.

What Are The 3 Best Times To Post On Instagram?

The three best times to post on Instagram are 9:00 AM, 8:00 AM, and 10:00 AM.

What’s The Worst Day To Post On Instagram?

Sunday is the worst day to post on Instagram.

What Time Is Instagram Most Active?

Our research indicates Instagram users are most likely to engage with content posted between 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM.

Does It Matter When You Post On Instagram?

Timing may influence reach and interactions. However, we are firm believers in quality first.

Post quality content your target audience values at 9:00 AM, 8:00 AM, and 10:00 AM in their time zones.

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