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Did you know How SEO for a Law Firm Works

Did you know How SEO for a Law Firm Works

Search engine optimization (SEO) within the legal services industry is particularly competitive but can, in time, yield valuable, long-lasting results for your law firm. SEO for law firms requires specialized digital marketing tactics and knowledgeable content writers. Because most law firms are small businesses, it’s significantly more cost-efficient to hire an SEO marketing firm to manage your accounts than it is to work through these processes internally. The right online marketing and SEO services provider will build and transform your law firm’s online presence to increase your connection with new potential clients.

In the past few years, digital marketing has overtaken traditional marketing efforts, which means your firm’s online presence is more important than ever. This is particularly true for smaller businesses, which, with the assistance of SEO specialists, can compete with larger firms without having to outbid them for advertising slots. To be competitive, you’ll need a strategy. And to develop a strategy, you’ll need to have a clear understanding of what SEO is and what makes it valuable.

In this article, we’ll cover some of the basics of legal SEO and content marketing strategies. If you’re planning on hiring a search engine marketing agency, you’ll likely hear more about how these tactics work and how they can position your business for positive growth online. Unlike advertising, SEO is a long-term process. It may take several months to move your business into the first position for any search terms related to your practice. However, successful SEO makes maintaining your website and first-ranked online presence a low-effort maintenance process.

Building a Website

Creating an online presence for your law firm begins with creating a neat and modernized website. Your site should look professional, load quickly, and be easy to navigate. In addition, particularly if you’re planning to purchase search advertising, you’ll need well-organized and optimized landing pages that draw users towards contacting your team. Experienced SEO agencies can help you by first developing a new website that highlights the benefits and expertise of your business.

Keyword Research

Content planning for your firm’s blog and website begins with selecting keywords that your potential clients are searching for on Google. Keywords are, in short, the terms, phrases, or words that users type into Google. The keywords that are relevant to your business depend most directly on the nature of your practice and service areas. Including these keywords as a part of the blog, services, and landing pages content is essential for improving your position on the SERP (search engine results page) for each keyword. The goal for most small businesses is to move the website into the first ten positions in keyword ranking, which corresponds to showing up on the first page of Google.

There are many tools available to help you research these keywords, though the most expensive and effective ones can cost your business quite a bit of money on their own. SEO agencies often assist with the keyword research process, even when they aren’t developing the content in-house. You’ll need to pay close attention to the volume for each keyword, which indicates the number of people searching for the keyword each month. You will also need to keep track of the keyword difficulty, which measures the relative competitiveness of that particular search term.

Content Development

The goal of legal services content development is first and foremost to display the authority and expertise of your firm’s lawyers to the site’s users. It’s essential to establish why the potential new client should trust your team and your process over your competitors. Essentially, you’ll need to include the differentiating factors that your firm uses to win cases. While you can’t necessarily guarantee success for any case, you should talk about the process that’s necessary for achieving a ruling in a potential client’s favor.

When you’re hiring an SEO team for your firm, make sure they have enough expertise to showcase the trustworthiness of your legal team. As much website content as possible should also follow this in addition to working in the keywords relevant to your business and your clients.

On-Page Optimizations

To maintain a consistent first-page ranking on Google, your SEO services team will continually scan for your website for errors and update more than just your content. Broken links, slow page speed, and schema issues can drop your rankings substantially and limit incoming organic traffic. In addition, they often directly interfere with the experience of interfacing with your website.

Meta-descriptions and meta-titles that describe each indexed page are important so that users who see your website on Google actually click through to the website. In addition, you’ll need to optimize all of the images on your website so that they are retitled with relevant keywords, with a separate keyword as the descriptive alt-text. These images should be as small-sized as possible in order to bring page loading times down but should still be sharp enough to maintain a distinctly professional appearance. 

Reputation and Review Management

Legal services are an expensive investment for anyone, no matter the case or the practice area. For this reason, new potential clients read reviews more closely than they might for other small businesses. In fact, the only service that sees this type of in-depth attention to reviews is a medical office. When it comes to selecting a law firm, clients must have a transparent view of your positive reputation and previous wins. For this reason, it’s essential to keep track of what people are saying about you online. A digital marketing and SEO service agency can support your firm by responding to reviews as soon as they show up, optimizing your Google My Business listing, and notifying you when it’s time to take action on any negative feedback.


Building a search engine optimized website, developing content that displays your law firm’s expertise, and fixing technical issues are essential processes in maintaining your business’s online presence. For many lawyers, these processes are far too time-consuming to work on personally. For this reason, an SEO and content writing agency is often the best solution for constructing and maintaining an online presence that brings in new clients for your team.

About the Author

A tech blog focused on blogging tips, SEO, social media, mobile gadgets, pc tips, how-to guides and general tips and tricks

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